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  • Regular price $91.00

A revitalizing chair class suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. Introducing exercises that activate the vagus nerve. This 10th cranial nerve is the longest nerve in the body connecting the brain with all organs and the intestines.  By increasing our vagal tone we activate the parasympathetic nervous system and stimulate healing and recovery whether from stress, chronic disease, or injury. We focus on slow, deep breathing to stimulate “relaxation response” known as the “rest and digest” mode.
The beginning  and end of class we bring awareness to deep abdominal breathing allowing us to find balance and tranquillity. Most of the class will be stretching, and mobilizing and is guaranteeing to improve mobility in all major joints.
You can look at this as a fantastic way to make changes in all levels of the internal environment; molecular, cellular, tissues, organs, and all systems of the body
Welcome to a great introduction and gateway to meditation creating a deep sense of ease and peace.
.Instructor: Louise Hannant  
Wednesday 8:00am-9:00am

March 6th -April 17th